Apiguard – 10tray pack £28.00- a Thymol based treatment for the eradication of varroa mites. Can only be used when temperatures are above 14degs C.
Apibioxal -35g £14.10 – an Oxalic acid based treatment that is applied during broodless periods within the colony. It can be trickled as a liquid or vapourised with a suitable piece of equipment. The vapour is extremely dangerous to humans if breathed in but harmless to honey bees at recommended strengths.
Apivar – 5 hive pack £33.5 – A really effective (99%) treatment against varroa mite. Can be used at any time of the year. Honey supers will need to be removed prior to treatment
Apistan – 5 hive pack £23.90 – is a slow release polymer strip formulation specifically designed for use in beehives for the control of varroa jacobsoni Oudemans on honeybees. Each packet will treat five hives.
NB. There are pockets of resistance to the active ingredient of Apistan in the UK. Check with your local association or monitor mite-fall carefully during the first days of treatment with Apistan. It is recommended to rotate between treatments of different chemical classes every two to three years.
FormicPro – sister product to MAQS. Formic acid based treatment against varroa mites – £17.90 2 hive pack. This product is currently unavailable in the UK from any supplier. We recommend VarroMed as an alternative.
MAQs – a Formic acid based treatment against varroa mites – See FormicPro. Currently unavailable in the UK from any supplier. We recommend VarroMed as an alternative.
Oxibee – Oxalic acid based treatment for varroa mites – £40.00 – treats 30-60 hives.
VarroMed – 10 hive bottle £32.00 – Oxalic and Formic acid based treatment for varroa mite. Easy and safe to use during spring, summer, autumn and winter. The treatment of choice for Beefarmers.
VarroMed® is indicated for Varroa treatment in Spring, late Summer / Autumn and Winter – with and without brood – for optimal Varroa control. Especially the Spring indication helps treating Varroosis early in the season in order to avoid critical mite-levels later on.
Certan – This product has been withdrawn from the UK and is now illegal to import and use.